Today I will not going into more details about what the tonsils stones are, but if you want to understand more about what tonsil stone is, you can read it on Wikipedia here:, or read more on my previous article here :
The wrong tonsil stones removal methods may be dangerous, so be careful!
Let's talk specifically about how to choose the correct tonsil stones removal for us. Nowadays, we can find so many ways to remove the tonsil stones, we can use the chemical drugs, we can use the natural medicines/ingredients, and we also can do a surgery which is performed by the surgeon, even in fact we can use the ingredients in the kitchen to relieve or to eliminate the tonsil stones, sound interesting huh? But not all of these ways will fit to everyone, then what is the exactly tonsil stones removal that we can trust? guys lets talk it latter after you understand about the dangerous things from the wrong method of tonsil stones removal below:
4 dangers caused by choosing the wrong method of removing tonsil stones
1. Bleeding
Why I wrote the title of this article like this? Let see here. Bleeding, alright, bleeding is one thing that I scared and might as well for all of you. If we try to eliminate the tonsil stones by ourselves, then we have to be careful, we need to know that every person has different tonsil stones size, there are a small tonsil stone, and there are also a large tonsil stones. For those of you who have a small tonsil stone, you may still be able to remove it by yourself, but for those of you who have a large size of a tonsil stone, then you should be careful when you try to pull it out, remember, the large size of tonsil stones can hurt your throat or your tonsils, so beware about doing this thing.
2. Gagging
Choking/Gagging is other danger thing that can hurt you, did you ever heard about it? Most people often ask how to remove tonsil stones without gagging, this is because many people got gagging when they tried to pull out the tonsil stones from their tonsil. Until today, actually I have not found exactly the effects of tonsil stones to our bodies (in addition to bad breath and sore throat), but if we want to talk logically then this is the facts. Tonsil stones are formed by the remains of the food particles, bacteria and the small particles which set up an object such as a rock and stuck in the tonsils. These materials form the tonsil stones and it's usually textured so hard as a rock. So, as you have read before, the tonsil stones are made of various materials that are harmful, especially a bacteria and the small particles that may contain substances that are not safe for your body. Tonsil stones also smell that was overpowering and very disturbing your life, it’s mean that the tonsil stones must be removed. I do not know is the acid in the stomach can destroy the tonsil stones or not, we know that a stomach acid could be overcome, however if the stone is too large and tight, I think this is still danger for us.
3. Stuck
Can you imaging if the tonsil stones which has removed from your tonsils, then stuck in your throat? I am sure you will fell suffer, you know that most of the tonsil stones are not round shaped and not soft textured, mostly looks hard and uneven. This is one of the main points of the dangers things. You have to understand when the tonsil stones are hard and uneven texture is stuck in your throat, then I suggest you contact your nearest doctor!!
4. Broken tonsil stones and formed a sharp one

Another danger is a tonsil ston can hurt your tonsils or tongue, let me explain in deeply. When you try to remove a tonsil stone, you are very lucky if you repeal all sections of a tonsil stone that you seek, but if the tonsil stones are broken and some others part still stick on your tonsils, then the broken part of a tonsil stone maybe can hurt you. The sharp fracture make sure you are not comfortable, the most danger is it could hurt your tonsils also tongue or other parts because the broken tonsil stones can be a sharp stone.
That are the dangerous things which can happen to us if we choose the wrong tonsil stones removal. Some danger might happen when you try to remove the tonsil stones by yourself or also by a doctor, but if the doctor is doing, then all safety things are more assured than you do it by yourself, but do not be afraid because there are still hope to remove tonsil stones by yourselves.
Honestly, I've often written about how to get rid of tonsil stones independently, e.x we can use warm water, using a mixture of lemon & water, using green tea even using our smallest fingers, but are you sure you can do it yourself? Do you already know about the condition and the size of your tonsil stones?
Do you feel afraid to pull out the tonsil stones?
I do not expect you to be scared right now, I created this article is not to scaring you but I want you to know more about the dangers of removing the tonsil stones, I also want to share about how to choose the right tonsil stones removals, so what should we do?Read the information and ask the experts or experienced guys
I know maybe you are the one who is afraid to be in the surgery room, but maybe right now you also afraid to pull out the tonsil stones by yourself, so what is the best solution for you? Nowadays, there are a lot of guides on how to choose a good tonsil stones removal, for that, you can start looking for these guides. If you are feel lazy, you can visit a specific site that discuss the removal tonsil stones like this blog. Guys, if I explain everything in this page, I am sure you will get bored and difficult to digest because the tonsil stones removal guide definitely need a complete pictures or video to explain it, so i just want to share the most basic things only.
I found a lot of tonsil stones removal guides on the internet, one of the best guide is using a special method. Based from several info, I think the guide that is displayed on this tonsil stones page is one of the most popular guides, I often see these guide in the top 3 best method of tonsil stones removal, if you want to get detailed information on tonsil stones removal, perhaps you can visit it.
I hope you will be wise in dealing with tonsil stones removal that you have, do not be too afraid because if you find the right guide and you've read a lot of good information, I think you 'll be rid of tonsil stones and you will soon free from bad breath, pain when swallowing, and other negative things that caused by the tonsil stones, trust me everything will be safe and you will free from the dangerous things of wrong ways if you follow someone who is an expert on it. Good luck and cheers!
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